With Just An Old Milk Carton And Some Wax You Can Create Something Unbelievable

Nicole and Bianca CuteDIYprojects Blogger

If you are a fan of scented candles, then you will definitely get to love this tutorial. Scented candles are both functional and practical: they smell absolutely divine and they look great as well. Here is how you can make your own candles from scratch, using nothing but basic and cost-effective materials!


With Just An Old Milk Carton And Some Wax You Can Create Something Unbelievable
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This is an awesome life hack that can benefit you in the long run, and making your own candles has never been easier – all you need is:

  • Candle wax
  • Old milk carton
  • Large pot with boiling water

To see the details check out the Video Tutorial below:

(Video and pictures via HouseholdHacker)

If you are feeling creative, then you can also add a coloring agent to make your homemade candles more colorful and lively. Never use food coloring, though, as it will not dissolve in the wax – you can easily find special wax coloring at your local art store, where you can also buy the white wax blocks along with the preferred scents.

The next step is to get a container for the candle and to pour the hot wax into it, so that it will take the shape of the container. Don’t forget to insert the fuse right in the middle of the wax block, otherwise your homemade scented candle will be ruined!

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